Yupiik Dance

Well that was fun…

After a tremendously frustrating and stressful inservice (only because I was way stressed already, though), a fellow from Bethel named Stephen Blanchett came to the school to teach dances for two hours. It was a lot of fun. I didn’t learn the first one (no other grown ups were, and I don’t like making a fool out of myself), which had something to do with losing a song, or perhaps a soul, and looking for it. The other two I did learn, though; one was a hunt on the tundra, and the other one was a seal hunt. He sang and played the drum, but mostly just sang, so that he could also show the motions at the same time.

I was going to put in a video that looked more like what we did, but couldn’t imbed it because of the file type, so I’m putting up a different one instead. They’re just more polished. And they didn’t bring out the fans for tonight.

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